Thursday, December 20, 2007

NFL Week 15 Results

All my picks 8 wins 8 losses
My home overdogs 3-3
My home underdogs 1-0
My road underdogs 2-1
My road overdogs 2-4
Spread a factor 1-2
Lady G’s best bets 1-2
Readers’ choice (Indy-10.5 over OAKLAND) 0-1

For the season so far:

All my picks 102-112-10 48%
My home overdogs 30-28-2 52%
My home underdogs 18-23-2 44%
My road underdogs 38-43-5 47%
My road overdogs 16-18-1 47%
Spread a factor 16-15-10 51%
Lady G’s best bets 17-37-3 32%
Readers’ choice 2-11-2 20%

Typical of a tough year that I would back 12 of 16 overdogs in a week when underdogs finally came to the fore at 10-6 leaving me disappointed to end up 8-8. I’ve fallen back to even-steven with a plain-vanilla, all-underdogs strategy, the safest approach most years based on historical data.

I have now gone 8 consecutive weeks without recording a winning week. To avoid a losing 2007, I need to pick winners in 2/3 of the final 32 games over the next two weeks. To be honest, my goal now is to stay ahead of my 2002 record of 47.3%, my only previous losing year since I started playing in an NFL pool back in 2001.

Ex-boyfriend Reginald lorded it over me during 2002 and he's ribbing me by e-mail this year. Fortuntately, I'm still well ahead of Reginald when we compare our records over 7 years.

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